A Darling Mission

Every once in a great while, you will find a message you connect with, a statement you support, and a mission you believe in. I recently came across the mission statement from Darling Magazine and felt so moved and so inspired. If I'm ever lucky enough to have a little girl someday, this will absolutely be hanging on her wall.

We here at TSO love your work, Darling Magazine. Thank you for spreading the girl power!

Something with Love

When I first got engaged, I promised you all that I would take you along for the journey... so, I wanted to share a bit about one of the talented designers I'll be working with! 

Whether you're a bride-to-be, expecting a new little bundle of joy, or looking to throw a beautiful bash, you have to check out Something with Love! Founded in 2012 by Amber Graziano, this paper company creates handmade pieces that will make your event truly special. 

I believe that personal touches are what make an event unique and memorable. So, when my fiance and I came across this amazing shop on Etsy, I could not resist. Working with Amber has been such a pleasure, which makes shopping her store that much more enjoyable! From intricate "thank you" tags, to sweet stirrers, Amber's focus on beautiful details is refreshing and inspiring. 

I can't wait to share the project we've been working on together! Take a look at some of my favorite pieces from her shop, then head on over to take a peek for yourself.

Etsy Shop: Etsy.com/shop/SomethingwithLove
Facebook: Facebook.com/pages/Something-with-Love-LLC