TSO Loves: Baby Must-Haves

From technology and toys to fashion and accessories it can be overwhelming when it comes time to shop for your new little one! Whether you are are mama-to-be in search of some great baby products or you are looking to buy for the holidays or an upcoming baby shower, I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite items!

I personally have every one of these items and cannot wait to try them with baby girl. Many of these were either recommended by friends and family who love them already or through hours and hours of online research.

The first on the list (featured in the image above) was gifted to me by my friends at Dock-A-Tot, and let me just say, it’s gorgeous. The Dock-A-Tot is a multi-functional lounger, co-sleeper, and playtime lounger that comes in two sizes (Deluxe for 0-8 months and Grand for 9-36). This blogger favorite is a favorite for a reason — they are all natural and 100% cotton! PLUS Dock-A-Tot has been generous enough to offer my followers 10% off their order with the code STYLISH10! The quality of their products and the numerous designs they offer is incredible. Check out their site and use the code for your first purchase.

It’s so hard to decide which items I want to chat about so be sure to click through the gallery below for direct links to all of my favorite finds — but, I’m super excited about the wipeable changing pad from Skip Hop (super easy to clean and it’s cute) and the cute/easy-to-use reverse zip footies from Old Navy!

I also read a great tip from several moms out there regarding burp cloths — try Gerber’s 10 pack of cloth diapers. I know myself and I won’t be using the cloth diapers (props to the mamas out there who do) but I do think they’re going to make for some affordable yet quality burp cloths so that’s a plus! I’ve also fallen in love with the Ciala Co. bows for baby girl. They come in a ton of colors and a variety of styles and sizes, too.

I could go on and on about each of these items (the Artifact Uprising baby book, the adorable unicorn donut teether from Loulou Lollipop, the Ergo Baby 360 carrier, and the Pure Aqua diapers and wipes from Pampers) but I’ll let you take a scroll through and see for yourself!

PS. To all of my baby boy mamas out there, sorry for all of the pink but know that 99% of the pink items below do come in other colors. Happy browsing!